Beware of the

wicked glitch

Do you believe in magic?

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Don’t fear the goth bitch.

I don’t want to curse people. I want to cuss at some motherfuckers because I miss swearing

Also I want to make enough money not to starve to death in the street. SOOO ENTITLED I KNOOOOW

What’s my magic spell?

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graphic design is not really my passion. it used to be a pretty good field?

It’s a marketable skill that used to pay okay money but now doesn’t pay shit. I even learned to code and suddenly that’s worth nothing.

I want to be a reasonable and fair artist

No idea how the fuck contracts work. My employment contracts as a designer screwed me over in my opinion. I want to make money off of my own work whether that’s independent or a group project.

Other people should be free to make fair wages from their work

Everyone has their talents. Everyone has some kind of useful labor they’d enjoy doing. I’ve been convinced I’d never make enough to live on as an artist so I never tried. Don’t think art is more valuable than other meaningful work - in fact, I kind of hate my own guts for wanting to make art. That’s why I worked in tech! And tried to go to therapy grad school.

Let’s be free to own our work and our right to choose.

I bought a bunch of websites for various industries. Got me a corporation on LegalZoom! However - people try to kidnap or hurt or mug dainty women like me all the time. I am not going to run around yammering about WORKER’S RIGHTS while living inside an apartment that’s deadass falling apart. Historically, with that opinion tend to get SNIPED. ouch.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.) Why won’t you just haul off and do this by yourself? I want off my contract now!

We exist under late-stage capitalism at the Nightmare Hell Stage. I, an unemployed grad student who got in trouble for being sick too often, do not have the resources to liberate the world. Wish I did.

I can’t try to rescue people from predatory contracts if I can’t even get a safe apartment.

Q.) Where’s your contact info?

Hidden until I live in a building where there is not a known asshole neighbor who endangers on purpose. (Groupchat confirms.) NYC is such a ludicrous Renter’s Hell now that landlords bribe people to ruin their neighbors’ health.

If a person in NYC has one asshole neighbor, that person can pay desperate people to shit in the stairwell, slash at people with knives, and infect our buildings with pests.

Q.) Why are you trying to make it as a DJ now, you dumbass?

Ran out of other options.

Never attempted to make it as an artist. Knew that someone like me could never make it as any kind of artist ever. There are basically no jobs left, so fuck it. I ball. Woo. GIVE ME ENOUGH MONEY TO START A BUSINESS NEW YORK!

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give me enough internet points to afford a safe apartment!

I tried to afford an apartment by working respectable jobs! FOR FUCK’S SAKE! IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BE A WOMAN IN AMERICA!

I HATE EVERYTHING! follow @wicked.glitch

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